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freelance diary / 2


i feel a little selfish saying this, but these past few weeks have all been about me, me, me. who i am, what i envision for my business, what kind of designer i want to be, who i dream of working with, and just who i can become as a brand stylist and business owner.

i just began working with a new client yesterday, which is very exciting! i'm currently working on a logo design. lots of color and abstract play here. i can't wait to share! i'm also redesigning a website for another client of mine (also fun! way more modern look!).

erika lyremark's class has been kicking my butt, to be honest! i'm almost half way through it. it's absolutely brilliant and giving me the focus and clarity that i need to be who i know i can be. on the other hand, though, the more i practice the advice and lessons, the less i actually spend on the homework she gives us and networking in the group because i'm working on acting on them, instead of writing them down. i suppose one thing i need to work on is balance.

one thing i'm learning for sure? you really can have it all.